Friday, September 28, 2007

Interesting article about women driving in the NYT

This is is the link to the article that I came across that is interesting because I didn't know there was a petition being signed by S women that was done with studies on the impact of women not driving with a financial and social prospective...

This is the Link to the article:
Saudis Rethink Taboo on Women Behind the Wheel
Published: September 28, 2007
"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 27-DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Sept. 27 — In a recent episode of Saudi Arabia’s most popular television show, broadcast during Ramadan this month, a Saudi man of the future is seen sitting in his house as his daughter pulls into the driveway, her children piled into the back of the car.
“Where have you been?” the father asks.
“The kids were bored, so I took them to the movies,” she replies, matter-of-factly, as she gets out of the driver’s seat......"

“Fifty years ago, we rejected the mail and then we advanced,” said Mr. Sadhan, the television producer. “We refused radio, only to accept it, and then rejected TV, and only to accept that, too. We will accept women driving some day all the same, and the environment has to be prepared for it.”

This last statement is very true regarding anything new that is proposed to the saudi society they always dont accept change at first...

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